The temperament, the energy of the whole country is injected into this amazing singer.Born as Valentine Choga, the Zimdancehall artist
His extra ordinary energy energy levels brought him to limelight 9 years later “Van” Choga is a chilled person contrary to what people think about him.Being identified by his energy,funky hairstyles, torn out attires,scruffy sets most people have identified him as “crazy” and Dj Mbale asked how he feels about it and he responded that “My style, my art portrays me,it’s the reflection of me, my reality @ others who can relate. I can not borrow clothes for a video shoot and later turn out in rags, No”, for him it’s about reality. However this had caused his love not to flourish since not girls couldn’t not cope up with his “art” and he seems unbothered as he is focused on his music.
In the interview Van Choga expresses his deepest gratitude to Seh Calaz who understood his art and took him in “Yala Nation” for he is now mubhanditi.Seh Calaz through his social media posted about him and endorsing his art on a wider audience. Not forgetting “Pride”the guy who has believed in him ever since from the start and has been always his guiding angel (although he wants to remain unpropelled) and he wouldn’t hesitate having him as his manager.
Van Choga seems to have understood the power of social media and engagements with his fans. He engages so well with fans and has become consistent with his content so that he maintains his relevance in the industry. He is very much content with the challenges that been circulating on social media and he would want to see more of it.
Owing to his energy levels people on social media proposed that he makes uses of it and have a branded “Van Choga ” energy drink,which he opened that he would be very willing to .
Van Choga hopes his music will make a significant impact across the the globe.
urimwana wekumushaka iwe kkkkkkk nda sparkwa
Van Choga to the world
Energetic Choga
Love you van choga you the realest
Mazoe aVanChoga Havana dilution?
Haaa mukoma Van choga lots of love munogona ndimi mega ,
Takarimirira drink iroro mukoma
One thing that is magnetic about him is his authenticity..I was pained to hear Kuti "Handitorina hembe dzacho"..That's sad ..#ZanuPfMustGo
Wakanyanya choga chokwadi chako chichakusvitsva kure waenda
Wish you the best Van choga.the truth of yourself will potray the bright future.Appreciation to Mabhandit for your support nekusimudzira choga Mwari wanowedzera pawabvisa ramba wakadaro Calaz
Wow van
I think Van Choga ari honest and may god bless yu so that yu can inspire others
Big up VanChoga, you're the best.
Energy drink must be called Van Choga energy drink
Kwarutanira kupi kwacho iii urimwana wekumusha ini ndiripa chokodza apo ??
Hanz Sadza neMatemba ,,, vakanyanya Vale ava????
one of the most inspiring interviews
Ndaseka Mbale mutori ne energy mdara
Kkkkkkk yeahman Big up Choga
Forward vanchoga
Van Chogress vasikana vekwamudzviti
Sadza nematemba kkkk
Enough respect to van choga and boss yala…………….????????hanzi tikupei sando muchikurarama big up to dj mbale interview yako haina kushora mukati ….vanchoga urimdara
Gara muden????????
?????????? aaaaaaa handisati ndamboona zvakadai. I??????????
Yooo yooo vanchoga vanchichii you are mad
Kkkkkkk from today I take you seriously. I actually thought you were a psych
ndanakwa nepakabva zita ndangoseka kkkk
Haa ndanakidzwa hangu,Dj Mbale kuzotogonao kani?
Choga choga
van choga ukupisa mafana
I love Van Choga :).
Tirikunakirwa kuno USA brother, keep on good work.
Is that hp audio beat i am selling it if any1 intrested
Umm broeh choga makanyanya
Van Choga makanyanya hanzi"mpfanha iyeye anenge akangonyarara akabata Camera "???
Sadza ne matemba
I'm proudly muchinda wekwamudzviti, keep it up Vale God bless you
Shout out to VanChoga, he is so real. And he was telling the truth kti kana ndisina hembe handitorina as compared kune mamwe maArtist anobhaiza kti zvirikufaya izvo zvakadhakwa
Much love from Asia .
Wangwani DJ Mbale and Valentine Simbarashe Choga
Love u van choga rova ngoma tiyende
Nyanyesiti van choga