anokuvimbisa kukuroora okusiya inyoka…ana besty opposite sex inyoka
video by bigbass entertainment
bit by Schmoke and Skilzie
vanchoga inyoka(Rock n Roll)HIPHOP

anokuvimbisa kukuroora okusiya inyoka…ana besty opposite sex inyoka
video by bigbass entertainment
bit by Schmoke and Skilzie
This is dope
inyokaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa yesahhhhhhhhhh VAN CHOGA
???the world is full of snakes
Me and my fellow Japanese we love your music???
Inyoka??? vanchoga chongona kudarika Rpeels
Yessaaaaahhhhhh VAN CHOGA
Beat ririkubvira? Van Choga arikuwedzera?????
Inyoka Isa like Pana Van choga
u never disappoint
Good song Van choga
This song should be a hit?
is this amapiano amapinykoka yooooooooo i like
i need to like this a million times
Nyoka inyoka
Every song he has a mic in his hand is lit????????
Every song he has a mic in his hand is lit????????
makaipa mdara
Makagon king
Beat on point
Heavy number Van Choga listening from Ontario
Anoisa ma dislike INYOKA
Musikana anofarira vanchoga inyoka???
The Vibe…?☠️
Sounds ?????
"kuroora slay queen ukakuvara haritovi" kkkkkkk
Way up
Haaaa Van Chogaa is better ku Hip hop than ZimDango
Shout out to some of us who started supporting him from day 1 vamwe vachiti ibenzi ???hoyoooo
I pray one day u will be on hip-hop side full time???
King of Hiphop??
Van Choga!!!!!???
People are sleeping on Van Choga…Hopefully they will catch up one day