ZIMDANCEHALL Vs SUNGURA 06 APR 2019 Posted by Slimdoggz Entertainment | Apr 5, 2019 | Youtube | 41 | FT KINNAH, GUSPY WARRIOR, SOUL JAH LOVE, PETER MOYO, SHINSOMAN, RAS CALEB,SNIPER STORM ETC…. source Share this:FacebookXLike this:Like Loading... Related
Denzil Butau on April 6, 2019 at 9:02 pm slim gido tikuda zhali pano wangu,we counting on you boss Reply
kuku N on April 7, 2019 at 8:32 am Good moment to stay away from Drugs and womanizing Mapapu nduru mheche nemboro zvombozororao Reply
Ryan Matadi on April 9, 2019 at 1:29 pm Fantan u really nid some work out sessions, that body is a no no Reply
Eden Tafara Hazard10 on February 29, 2020 at 2:54 pm KEEP IT UP GUYS ……kufadza vanhu ndostraight zhet Reply
young igwe hahahahahha
Ras Caleb to the fullest
Peter anedzungu
Thanks kklkkk
kkkk de gea
Singura kumberi
matsaga esungura muchadyiwa
Igweeeee to the fullest
Pamberi nesungura
Atleast Fantan akapfeka hembe ???? #sawasawa
Shinso rasimbisa boys
slim gido tikuda zhali pano wangu,we counting on you boss
jah love anorutsa mbanje dzose bhora ronetsa iri
chairman kana kumbovaonaaa how far
Sungura makutamba nemoto munotsva lol
Sviro Sex live talk Approved
Good moment to stay away from Drugs and womanizing
Mapapu nduru mheche nemboro zvombozororao
Shinso anosota…..
Ko winky naJah prayzah varipy
bigup shinsoman
bigup freeman and sniper
Peter so kkkkkkkkkk
Vanogeza ndovanohwinha
Great initiatives guys
Why don't you go ku national sports stadium
Freeman n.a. Snipper ndokumberi
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk Dewa kkkkkkk
Rakazopera sei
Haaa dancehall yakarohwa zvogwadza???
Fantan u really nid some work out sessions, that body is a no no
Kkkk Dhewa mandi killer
Ko baba shero waripi uyee wanotamba position IPI kkkk
Zimdancehall hoye
I love your unity guys! One luv Zimbabwe kkkk!
All in all sauro is the best
rakazopera sei iri kkkkk
KEEP IT UP GUYS ……kufadza vanhu ndostraight zhet
Shinso munorowa bhora