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As thousands gather at Sakubva Stadium, President Mnangagwa is reportedly not happy to see a crowd 10 times more than his.
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These guys are getting carried away. Godc will punish them.
Nothing there people are just cowards .To me no one will come and provoke me like that and leave without clash.
Fake prophet yes I agree
#dzokai kumusha tizovhota muzoita masowe enyu pamunodira makasununguka pliz ,come back home #register to vote 2023
Mukuru ndoune chake dadaiwo nenyika yenyu dzokai mugadzirise imba yenyu muwane rugare!
This is sad.
Well done South Africans these guys are now all over with their churches even under the flats in Joburg please pastors,,, and prophets make proper churches murege kungo mhara pese pese senhundzi