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As thousands gather at Sakubva Stadium, President Mnangagwa is reportedly not happy to see a crowd 10 times more than his.
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Iit is time foot God himself to act zvakaoma
Mapostori ndovamwe vaitidzosera kumashure thanks to God kut takuona zvimwe here nema war vets meaning 2023 chinenge Chaka Chaya CCC ???
Dzwanyayi ipapo
Zvakaoma hazvo
The burning question is this that: WILL KHUPE NOT FORM A SPLINTER GROUP "CCCKupe" around January/February/ March 2023 to the chagrin surprise of many?
Kunyangwe mukamuti ngaatange asarudzwa kuva CELL CHAIRPERSON then BRANCH CHAIRPERSON, then DISTRICT CHAIRPERSON, or even PROVINCIAL CHAIRPERSON etc etc.
Akapiwa mari angatadza kuzviita here izvi?????