They say to have a rich man’s mentality you have to start thinking that you are the master of your destiny and you are in total control of your life. Through all their trials and tribulations winky d and jah prayzah have shown a great sense of resilience building great music careers that have been of great service and quality for over 10 years. The two artists have been able to amass a lot of money through their musical talents and in this video we want to see who is richer Winky D or Jah Prayzah. ENJOY
Winky D Vs Jah Prayzah, Who Is Richer? | Hot263

Most people here are saying Bigman is rich but it's only that he doesn't brag about it, on that one I don't know because I've never seen Jah bragging about any of his possessions either. But it's only that Winky keeps everything to himself including his background, of which is as fans need to atleast no more even if you don't devulge your wealth because we very much know we have a corrupt government they will start to chase them down but atleast he need to be a bit open so as to inspire and motivates his fans. You know the African youths are motivated by humble beginnings
Winky Is richer than JP
So why others, struggle in their future especially those sungura guys. Wanodzoka vamwe wakufamba nemapata pata.
Winky haasi bho boys …hatauri hake
Winky zvinhuuuuu
Winky knows how to mind his own business
Both rich
Havana chinhu kana vasati vatenga ndege… sorry bigman ne musoja
Ecclesiastes 1 vs 2
“Meaningless! Meaningless!” says the Teacher.“Utterly meaningless! Everything is meaningless.”
1 Timothy 6 vs 17-19
17 Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. 18 Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. 19 In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life.
You are all blessed Abundantly. Rambai muine unity musimudzirane.
their talents are the same
Ummm ini andina answer koz ndoda vese???
they are the great men
Vanhu muneproblem yekutongera munhu nekumuvenga don't judge kana uchimuvenga bcoz nyange akaita chakanaka cei haubvume unongoshora
Winky is far way better than JP,, just that he is not flashy
winkdy d
both rich
Yaa cool
Winky D ndiyani zviya anoita nezvei …..Jah P kuseri asimudza flag paMurewa apo
Zviri pachena kut jah prayzah is richer than winky D
Wooow winky ndokupa sando nekutengera brother yako imba vashoma vanozvigona ????welldone mese aiwa muri kugona keep it up and munozvininipisa henyu ???
Jah prayzah is richer
Winky thanks for buying your brother a house
Winky muridzi webag
Wht benefits did they do to the society ??
tapiwa mandinyadza
jah prezher ndoo vanemusumbu wese wemari kungo tsiga chete kwavakaita but iripo apo
l go to jah coz winky anoimba zvisina musoro
Winky D 100% Good,for everything than japreza anoymba zvirisina Msoro
This guy's lies
Jah prayer u the powerful in music I will everlasting love, support your brother in law I'm in ZNA artillery Mutoko ???????
Jp vanorema
Winky D I salute him for his generosity ,buying his brother a house and this guy use his money wisely and however jp you are a prominent guy .so keep the good work both of you
JP ane Mari guys