Yeah ..thats y u are called ..the gyzka,, u are extraordinary.indeed. your skills ..and that energy yoo makaipa rambai makadaro my boyz…so much is waiting for you…munondiitira…dancing was my hobby when.i was young …so I just wish u the best ..and remember ..this .we are always on your side gyz…so kip on breaking it..ii. dai daughter wanku Vimbai aiwe ne.that energy yamunayo.maybe she wld join ur group mos.manje ii mozotonetaka nekumudzidzisa .. she is a very big fan of you guyz ndiye akaita kuti family yangu ikuzivei..lyk now we are fans of u .lemme say my family supports you.we are proud of you ..TXC??
I need dancing lessons please
neniwo munondiitira
asi munoiswa pamagetsi here ,,coz ths is too much ,,u too gud jus like breezy
You guys you are just awesome
You killed it magaffah ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
ndanakidzwa ini
Well done guys from my home town ,this is nice
This out of this world guyz?
Bho Amana…mapedza
That video ended way too soon.
Rusape kupi guy's
Love you guys?
Yooooh gafaa munopisa?
Waal guys u got it all this is sakal
Van Choga chimuti che energy wabvutirwa apa. well coordinated and very much entertaining, thumbs up
Makaipa amana???????
I would love to join you guys
You should have finished the song, was enjoying, you guys killed it
Good dance
???keep up, i like the Energy! !!!
0:35 its the door closing for me lol??
Well done home boys
U killed it l want to join your grp
These must be the best dancers we have,, they can make it for the AGT finale
you killed it boyz
Extraordinary indeed ??
Yeah ..thats y u are called ..the gyzka,, u are extraordinary.indeed. your skills ..and that energy yoo makaipa rambai makadaro my boyz…so much is waiting for you…munondiitira…dancing was my hobby when.i was young …so I just wish u the best ..and remember ..this .we are always on your side gyz…so kip on breaking it..ii. dai daughter wanku Vimbai aiwe ne.that energy yamunayo.maybe she wld join ur group mos.manje ii mozotonetaka nekumudzidzisa .. she is a very big fan of you guyz ndiye akaita kuti family yangu ikuzivei..lyk now we are fans of u .lemme say my family supports you.we are proud of you ..TXC??