All any high profiled Black entertainer has to do whenever they’ve lost their way (in the dark) , is to simply return back to their own Foundational Black American people , or to whomever they originally came from .
But to continue fumbling around in the darkness is a sure journey into madness , and eventually deeper down into the abyss .
He's going to an expensive Resort that they call Rehab they will spare him nothing he will have everything in anything he wants and me he will be in the lap of luxury
I love the show I feel it was a Humiliation ritual somebody going up and somebody going down Will Sacrifice his career if you look at the video Chris Rock knew he was going slap him he Lean into the slap have you noticed that Chris Rock his Concert has went to a Record high I feel it was for both Damn shame when you sales your Sole to the devil I just pray nothing happened to him because at the end of the day they both are human you never know how people mental situation are it’s just sad and what crazy his mama was not there it make you wonder why his Mother was not there for him on a historical night you. Have to Question everything that these devil do the show was very ??????????
Have you seen footage of Chris Rock throwing blacks under the bus in past interviews . Plus insulting black women in his documentary Hair rationalizing the N-word with Louis C K. and Jerry Seinfeld yet Jerry didn't laugh or entertain the conversation.
What happened with them going to Oprah!!! Guess Oprah played out .
August can have jada to himself now?????
Prayers going out to Will Smith. He apologized. I believe he is sorry for what he did.
The only way he can rehabilitate his image is by filing for DIVORCE ??
"Nigga u care' boo…Yasss Pisces gang gang!
All these celebrities need therapy and rehab in my opinion. All of them are crazy
Queen you be keeping it real and don't mince words??
Rehabilitation…..What a ?
Will needs a divorce from his family,TOXIC. Jada has EARNED a divorce….
I think it was a two for one with both black men being humiliated at one event. Jada had some success acting in the Matrix franchise.
There’s such a thing as “slap rehab”? Who knew!!?
I'm glad he'll be away from that baldheaded toxin for a min. Mb he'll b able to think straight
Pulled up with a TI?????????????
All any high profiled Black entertainer has to do whenever they’ve lost their way (in the dark) , is to simply return back to their own Foundational Black American people , or to whomever they originally came from .
But to continue fumbling around in the darkness is a sure journey into madness , and eventually deeper down into the abyss .
Need we say more ? B1 . Amin and Shalom .
May be best, because there might be nine of the ten Rock Brothers, seeking his face. ?
They always go to rehab when they do something wrong.
All Will need to do is get away from that narcissist wife.
Pfizer is coming out with a new Alopecia drug… Pfizer sponsored the Oscar's. No coincidence ‼
Shalom peace love and gratitude queen
He's going to an expensive Resort that they call Rehab they will spare him nothing he will have everything in anything he wants and me he will be in the lap of luxury
He can paint whatever he wants it will not help them we all witnessed it globally they probably saw it on Mars and Venus
He needs a big mirror to look into see how black he is
This is not attention that Chris is getting ❗stop it?
Will is over 50 throw the towel in bro retire you got plenty of cash ain’t too much going on after 50 in hollyweird
He's trying to get away from Jada
African American woman must be so happy, smh
But hey there’s plenty of bums to procreate with…it’s known based off of numerical statistics that you all like that….
I love the show I feel it was a Humiliation ritual somebody going up and somebody going down Will Sacrifice his career if you look at the video Chris Rock knew he was going slap him he Lean into the slap have you noticed that Chris Rock his Concert has went to a Record high I feel it was for both Damn shame when you sales your Sole to the devil I just pray nothing happened to him because at the end of the day they both are human you never know how people mental situation are it’s just sad and what crazy his mama was not there it make you wonder why his Mother was not there for him on a historical night you. Have to Question everything that these devil do the show was very ??????????
Have you seen footage of Chris Rock throwing blacks under the bus in past interviews . Plus insulting black women in his documentary Hair rationalizing the N-word with Louis C K. and Jerry Seinfeld yet Jerry didn't laugh or entertain the conversation.