fanton this guy needs to rest his voice he will be worse he is suffering from Laryngitis typically it heals on its own, but can sometimes inogona chronic (long-lasting). To get hisvoice back to normal as quickly as possible, you’ll need to treat the inflammation and irritation in your voice box by resting his voice box also drink warm liquids and stay away from smoking and alcohol for at least a month also he can gargle salty water please rest him before it gets worse also get him vocal coaching classes .
uncle makaipa shuwa
garo rinobatwa ipapo ipapo (uncle nkuda colab)
munovatenda varikuhura kkk
ko voice ropera seyii nhaiwe epaton ita saa bazooker, poptain & enzo
makaipa batman
Maaaad uncle
fanton this guy needs to rest his voice he will be worse he is suffering from Laryngitis typically it heals on its own, but can sometimes inogona chronic (long-lasting). To get hisvoice back to normal as quickly as possible, you’ll need to treat the inflammation and irritation in your voice box by resting his voice box also drink warm liquids and stay away from smoking and alcohol for at least a month also he can gargle salty water please rest him before it gets worse also get him vocal coaching classes .
Te makwikwi bata gonm
Uncle epatan ndini !!!