Soul Jah Love – Razaro (Lyric Video) Posted by emZim Africa | Apr 21, 2021 | Soul Jah Love | 48 | Lyric Video 2021 Soul Jah Love Zviri Pandiri Zvihombe Album 2019 #Razaro source Share this:FacebookXLike this:Like Loading... Related
Kennedy Nduviwa on April 21, 2021 at 2:46 pm Sauro makosha hapana akambozviita muno muzimba manga in peace sauro Reply
Fleksie Zim on April 21, 2021 at 7:19 pm Soul forever missed my guy all the best wherever you are right now. Reply
Darlia Ngwira on April 22, 2021 at 12:54 pm Sauro wangu ndaikuda still love you.miss you mwana wastembeni.razaro Reply
Nyasha Magetsi on April 22, 2021 at 1:08 pm We will always cherish your hard work in the music industry.Continue to rest in peace Soul Reply
Elroi Manyanda on April 23, 2021 at 8:04 am Sauro sauro ane kamutauro maipedza masports,simbi inodya dzimwe simbi…rest n peace gwendesaaaa Reply
Benjamin Marumo on April 25, 2021 at 6:54 pm RIP Maku…… motaura zvana lukko hameno mazita avo havambozvigone izvi gap racho rakakurisa Reply
blessed chibaya on April 25, 2021 at 7:49 pm Sauro usadaro ko inga wani uri muimbi ane mukuru mbira Zimbabwe yese kuti siya waponda music sa Michael Jackson kudaro… Sauro unorwadzisa sauro ndachema hangu nemasongs awakasiya asatiri kungonzwawo.. Tichaedza kufamba nalukko.. Tsvimbo yandabata vakuda kuibvuta.. Sezvo kubasa kwababa kuinebasa.. Mabhanan'ana chaiwo Reply
Sylvester Khaki on April 26, 2021 at 9:14 am Every family has a person who breaks the chain of poverty..May God make you that person* Reply
Gwendolyn Mhlanga on April 26, 2021 at 9:26 pm Sauro sauro ane kamutauro, rest n peace makuruwani Reply
Gwendolyn Mhlanga on April 27, 2021 at 7:02 am Business is business but e bst business is t mind yor own business l rilly mis yu Makuruwani Reply
Constantine mhindurwa on April 27, 2021 at 3:13 pm Chimfanha chaigona music ichi,so sad he is nolonger with us,so painful Reply
Sauro makosha hapana akambozviita muno muzimba manga in peace sauro
Soul forever missed my guy all the best wherever you are right now.
Chibaba we wont forget you
Tune rakambozorohwa kuStodat iri hoyooooooo???
Maku to the fullest
Sauro achiri mupenyu uyu?
Baba dhodho??? ghetto king
Haaa chibaba hamufe mafa …makazorora chete
Sauro wangu ndaikuda still love you.miss you mwana wastembeni.razaro
We will always cherish your hard work in the music industry.Continue to rest in peace Soul
Gwendezaaa chipokochemboko Rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
Ngwendeza ?????Rip
Makuruwani ?????
Mmmm super talent
Sauro wakakurumidza *kuenda Mani?
Haa ma1 aya Denga rinoona shuwa
Sauro sauro ane kamutauro maipedza masports,simbi inodya dzimwe simbi…rest n peace gwendesaaaa
Dislike iyo bhoo here vanhu ka
1:23 Denga *ndorinoziva
Sauro ???
RIP Maku…… motaura zvana lukko hameno mazita avo havambozvigone izvi gap racho rakakurisa
Sauro usadaro ko inga wani uri muimbi ane mukuru mbira Zimbabwe yese kuti siya waponda music sa Michael Jackson kudaro… Sauro unorwadzisa sauro ndachema hangu nemasongs awakasiya asatiri kungonzwawo.. Tichaedza kufamba nalukko.. Tsvimbo yandabata vakuda kuibvuta.. Sezvo kubasa kwababa kuinebasa.. Mabhanan'ana chaiwo
Every family has a person who breaks the chain of poverty..May God make you that person*
Its on zviri pandiri zvihombe album
Sauro sauro ane kamutauro, rest n peace makuruwani
Chinofa nyama
Sauro chaive chibaba ndazobvuma.
Business is business but e bst business is t mind yor own business l rilly mis yu Makuruwani
Chimfanha chaigona music ichi,so sad he is nolonger with us,so painful
?❤️???saurooo ??
Sauro ???? chingoma chandirwadzisa ichi
I miss you
Rufu ndimadzongonyedze zvemene
Ngwendezaaaa rest easy
king king
Takusuwai Chibaba?
Greatly missed ? ?
Mukuru wemaband
???????Ndakufa inhi???
Mind yourrrrrrr hokosooooo??
Sauro aigona mhannnnnnni
So sad mukoma sauro
I miss you me breda
RIP makuuu… Ngwendeza
Soul jah love aigona