Soul Jah Love Funeral Day 3 @ Gully Side, Mbare, people cry for Bounty Lissa Posted by Ruach Media | Feb 19, 2021 | Soul Jah Love | 24 | source Share this:FacebookXLike this:Like Loading... Related
Chibaba chakadya nduru on February 20, 2021 at 9:58 am Uyu munhu ano diwa hake uyu sauro wati rwadza Reply
G.G Boss on February 20, 2021 at 11:43 am Reporters please wear masks – your job is not just to bring us news….. educate, encourage and be role models Reply
nana kazondo on February 20, 2021 at 12:34 pm Imi mai imi kwanai,akafa nesugar kwete ma drugs.Hakuzoshaye munhu anotaura kwaasina kuswera Reply
bisvo Mhlanga on February 20, 2021 at 1:07 pm Please somebody what's the name of the featuring song in this video… Thank you #late souro fans Fly very High Sauro?️?️?️ Reply
sam zimuto on February 20, 2021 at 1:35 pm Pa ghetto pane energy imwe yakangodziyaso that song yaichiimbwa soo generic how can they all know the lyrics like that it’s crazy rip jahluv warwadzisa vakawandisa it’s not going to be easy Reply
Chnty mnemo on February 20, 2021 at 1:43 pm Team Ghetto mostly Havana mazino chiikoRest in peace Chibaba watirwadzisa Reply
Precious Muzirwa on February 20, 2021 at 2:30 pm So emotional from gully side Rest in peace sjl Reply
Golden One on February 20, 2021 at 2:40 pm I am sending this footage to ZRP. Vakambosunga Fantan naLevels, imi mukutosungawo. Mukudhibha covid hant Reply
Menias Chirenje on February 21, 2021 at 5:49 pm Ndarwadziwawo zvangu kutaurawo here. R.I.P chigunduruu Reply
Briana Wasibs on February 26, 2021 at 1:56 pm Asi hakuchina corona here nhai reporter iwe no mask sure??? Reply
Grenade grenade to the world. BLOT CAN SING MHANI.
The only artist who made me cry
30 thousand
Uyu munhu ano diwa hake uyu sauro wati rwadza
Reporters please wear masks – your job is not just to bring us news….. educate, encourage and be role models
Marwadzisa mukuru…. ????
Imi mai imi kwanai,akafa nesugar kwete ma drugs.Hakuzoshaye munhu anotaura kwaasina kuswera
Please somebody what's the name of the featuring song in this video… Thank you #late souro fans Fly very High Sauro?️?️?️
Mother avo vanoda camera yoo???
This guy muzaya was talented pabhora
Pa ghetto pane energy imwe yakangodziyaso that song yaichiimbwa soo generic how can they all know the lyrics like that it’s crazy rip jahluv warwadzisa vakawandisa it’s not going to be easy
Team Ghetto mostly Havana mazino chiiko
Rest in peace Chibaba watirwadzisa
Peace sauro everlasting peace ???????
Bounty Lisa Kwanzi huyaaaa
So emotional from gully side
Rest in peace sjl
Munofa ne corona muchit Sauro Sauro
I am sending this footage to ZRP. Vakambosunga Fantan naLevels, imi mukutosungawo. Mukudhibha covid hant
Hiiih masanha hava kuzomuwana
I love the zanu flag in background. Rest well cde
Ndarwadziwawo zvangu kutaurawo here.
R.I.P chigunduruu
Ko vanosekei mai manini avo
Asi hakuchina corona here nhai reporter iwe no mask sure???
??????dai pasina kuti mwari anondida
What name of the song