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SlyMedia Tv is an online TV Channel that provides a one stop shop for various content producers that target the consumers from the Zimbabwean african community ,helping them keep in touch with one another, while geographically displaced.
This channel offers a variety of quality programs suitable for the
entire family. SlyMedia Tv is an Independent TV station designed to suit an ever expanding internet audience. We air original programmes on a video on demand channel (VOD) along with local and national client programming through individual agreements with agencies, independent distributors and programme producers.
We have state of the art broadcast streaming gear that operates like an OB VAN using four live mixing full HD Broadcast Cameras with character generator that allows us to decorates our TV Screen by inserting partners logos, banners and screen overlays, squeeze backs, titles and scrolls, scoreboards, stopwatches, Virtual Studios, real time clock and video adverts in real-time on the go to all chosen social media platform to suit different customer needs i.e. Facebook and You-Tube. TV productions services provided by experienced broadcasters, Camera Persons, Editors and Reporters
SlyMedia Tv aims to make the best use of noncommercial and commercial media and related services to enhance the quality of life in our african community by encouraging people to consider and discuss issues explore and share new ideas, and by inspiring a continued sense of worthiness and belonging.
Our mission is a movement of positive educational entertainment through online television, comedy, film music of various clean genres and Church Ministering Material that is innovative, creative, informative, fun and entertaining geared for the generation of the day and generations to come, lifting up the spirit of the downhearted. Bringing a message of hope and empowerment, cultivating the spirit of love and to inspire a new Global way of thinking.
Join our Facebook group zimditvnews for Breaking News and Updates also subscribe to our youtube channel zimditvnews zimbabwe diaspora for our news videos archive, follow us on twitter @slymediaprotv. You can also follow us on Facebook as Sly Media Productions and or Follow on linked in Sly Media Tv Online.
email: slymediastreaming@gmail.com.
First pano
From a mental health perspective, I would say this man is struggling with auditory and visual hallucinations with paranoid delusions. But from a cultural perspective, this man akaroiwa.
Sekuru kunyepa makabata mishonga taurai chokwadi mubatsirike
Haaa rega mbanje mudhara
Vakabata sekuru ava sure
I dont know why but pawangoti zanu pf i just thought probaly you wakarova someone during those 2008 akafira mberi zvakukudzokera.If thats not the case I wish you the best
Apreciando a una mujer tan hermosa. 2:8 sentadillas son unos SEXBABY.Uno muchas y un buen ejercicio. 5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados ?? Saludos desde la Cd.. de world losa mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
This is pure Mental Health illness. Diagnosis:- (if l was a Dr) – Paranoid Schizophrenia with positive symptoms:-
– Hearing voices
– Visual hallucinations
As you are talking to j you have done my assessment. he needs to go to a psychiatric hospital.
Loss of sexual libido could be due to him being tormented by his illness
How old is he???
Hmmm Paranoia towards MaZambezi
Appears Dementia is begining to set in – apo pakukangamwa kwababva kana kuyenda.
Regai vadye vose vakavaurairei
Ngaavabvunze kuti hamuna kuuraya here vanhu ava maybe pagukurahundi pane zvavakaita
Sekuru makashereketa nemadzimai asiri enyu ! Taurai chokwadi mubatsirwe !
Sekuru vakabata vanoda kubatsirwa
Zviri pa2
Vanonetsa madhara erudzi aya
Its schizophrenia
Ko T shirt mapfeka zvakanaka here sekuru kana kuti ndomapfekero achi….xeem mwari pindirai zvorwadza
Ingozi iyi ndivo vairova vanhu pagukurahundi ava nxaaa ungade zanu mkore uno
Chiripo chamakaita mudhara taurai chokwadi
Murikufudza mombedzaaniko munevana vakura…mombe shereni ???, purazi rinemombe zviuru hadzifudzwe dzinogara mupadhoku vanoziva vanemapurazi , hongu makafavanhu asi handifunge kuti ndozvirikunetsa. Munoyisa magetsi pamusha…vamwe takakurimo tichirara musango nembada kusati kwaiswavanhu veseavo tirivapenyu.
Baba ava vane nyaya ava Havana kuuraya vanhu here nguva yavai rumbidza Zanu yavo nekuidisisa kwavaiita pane zvavakaita chete baba ava tine vanhu vakawanda vairumbidza zanu vasingaiti zvekuuraya vanhu hapana chavari kuona koimi makaitei kuti mubatsirike
Zvinoda munamato
Chokwadi tumadhara tunemusikanzwi pazvavakaita chete
Kwa Dhiramond its DRUMMOND kkkkk
Guys taneta nekutipa maOLD NEWS , zuro makatipa yaGonyeti yekare kare nhasi aunza iyi nyaya yekare futi
Kazhinji mnhu anotevererwa anenge akauraya, taurai chokwadi sekuru mubatsirike.
Senile dementia
Eeeh ka nhai musharukwa zvamakabata hapana tribalism apa
Bvunzai vanhu vaanogara Naye kwumaraini mdara uyu,vanokuudzai chokwadi iye anonyepa uyu akabata mdara iye haambofa akakuburitsirai chokwadi pls
T-shirt yakashandikirwa
Taurai zvakanaka baba kugona ngozi kuiripa