#talentchiwenga #passiinjavalatest #passionjava #apostletalentchiwenga #passionjavarecords #apostletalentchiwengavideos
Passion java Respond and blast Apostle Talent Chiwenga (2021)
#talentchiwenga #passiinjavalatest #passionjava #apostletalentchiwenga #passionjavarecords #apostletalentchiwengavideos
Passion java Respond and blast Apostle Talent Chiwenga (2021)
Arikushaya Java
This man isn't a man of God I never heard any man God who does these things he is actually a biological father of the Satanist a man who walks with mnangagwa akapedza vanhu paGukurahunde soo chiii chavanotaura I used to hate Chiwenga but this time around I stand with him for protecting the name of our lord christ
Passion you are worse
Java ndiye asitorina kukwana
I feel for those who bootlick him, sooner or later they will regret sailing the same boat of blasphemy with Java
Java ndisatan mfana uyu
talent urikudawo kungobudikira
@JCTV Zimbabwe you papa, if this was just not about getting views I would lecture to you more uprightness, Chiwenga knows nothing concerning truth he is as good as people he criticizes , you can still suffer hell without selling even a ciggarate, righteousness is not about what you discussed about conscience, Christianity is not commonsense and the knowledge of right and wrong, thats Judaism preached by Moses and Chiwenga if u seek truth look for me and I will explain to you why Chiwe GA is even worse that Passion, he is just a Pharisee, holier than thau just like you want us to appreciate your self righteous talk unfortunately for people like you Christ is not profitable to you, for if the kind of righteousness you proclaim saves your Jesus would be a Pharisee.
ukurebesa toda kuona vid not kurebesa mnamato bro
Ndozvaungatipedzera nguva izvozvo
Java anopenga… as always..
I fasting yesatanism;hakuna pastor vakadaro
Java uuuuuu .Mwari batsirai mwana uyu
Java uritori murwere chaiye we njere unoda kurapwa
Even Java follows chiwenga how did he know Chiwenga blasted him?
Haugoni ku responder iwe, unongogona kuti pfutseke chete…. respond ne verse tione….dololo
Mmmm guys Chiwenga is always attacking every Prophet …kana munhu ane vanomutevera why does he wastes his time trying to humiliate other people .. Who said iyee he is holy .. Akatozvidyira vana vake oda kushusha vamwe vanhu vemuministry …Siyana nevanhu Chiwenga
Java really really needs deliverance,God have mercy on this man.
iwewe Java hauna kukwana
Kooo java ndaapindure zvakanaka kozvekurovana zvapinda papi
Java imboko haazivezvaanotaura. Kutambanamwari
Haaa Anopenga uyo passion uyo anopikisa mhunhu vamwari
Getaway iwe borangoma remunhu panganai java ahuna chaunacho iwe sita zvawakaromba
Getaway iwe borangoma remunhu panganai java ahuna chaunacho iwe sita zvawakaromba
Java anopenga
Kana java achituka munhu wamwari mr chiwenga kurevakuti ichokwadika kuti java ano tambanevanhu vamwarika vanhu mukai musatambiswe people of God
This man ha when you die you will he is a man of God java respect if l was you l would thank him and stop what l was doing and repent that's exactly what l would do?
Mai vako Ne ZANU twabamu kunyo kwenyu
This is disgusting guys
Ukarwa nemunhu waMwari warwa naMwari java
Uyo muporofita here kana kuti ibenzi
Chiwenga 10 java 0.Havana response inemsoro java ritori gavawo zvaro kunge herod.