South Africans warned us in that song "Remember the road that will lead you home" *But we were busy shouting master master KG*???
Yazi lubaba uphuzile ukufa a uryt afile fut ubefuna ukufela esihlalwen mxxm siyadubeka manje its becoz of him bayasitshisa laa egoli its becoz of him evrything bad eyenzakala kit its becoz of this shit man clled Mugabe kube sokuthwa he died a beater man for wat becoz besesidiniwe ngaye lamanga akhe samkhupha esihlalwen mxxxm mna l hate this man with every bon of ma body ngyamzonda xem vele angeke alibone izulu luSatane mxxm
Rest in peace Gushungo Zvakawanda zvamakagona we will forever miss you and you will always be remembered. .. Thank you for everything you taught us …for you taught us how to fight for what is ours and be independent and also to work hard the list is just too long #RIP??
Ndaimbotiwoo andinabasa nekuti vafa asi i recognise that we human cannot judge what he has done but it cannot stop us to thank him for what he did for the country, rest in peace Gushongo.
rest in peace daddy. a true pan Africanist,our icon…ivhu makatora
Mozambique chora Robert Mugabe, AKA Gushungo!
Till next zim
Rest in peace our father our uncle
rest in peace Baba bona
Rubbish apa hauna cash apa haugoni kuimba futi .
We are going to miss you big man❤
South Africans warned us in that song
"Remember the road that will lead you home"
*But we were busy shouting master master KG*???
RIP father Zimbabwe .
Enita Dzepasi this your reply : when the seagulls follows the trawler it's because they think sardines will be thrown into the sea.
anyway you should go and fuck yourself by the way you're a real destitute person, an absolute poorer
I was waiting for this thanks so much for the song
Indeed Rest in peace Gushing
Zororai murugare tasara ne ndangariro ne nhoroondo ichazovako kumadzinza achatevera ne achatvera dakara ishe Jesu vachiuya
Joshua Mqabuko Nyongolo Nkomo is the real father Zimbabwe, not rumwe rudhende urwu
Fuck mugabe
rest in peace father Africa
Will truly miss u, will always remember and be greatfully for everything u did for Zimbabwe, RIP my hero.
Thank u for the song
Father Zimbabwe is Joshua nkomo
Heavy number iri raririgamba reAfrica .future will judge that more
The king
Rest in peace chibaba
From kenya n I have liked the song
I was waiting for your song guys thank you so much
Aisa dislike anopenga uyu
Appreciate the song, coz we seem to forget the GOOD he also did… ???
Rest In Peace Baba Bona
Ini hangu hapana chandinotenda ndirinherera because of this man
Ngaaende uyo
Yazi lubaba uphuzile ukufa a uryt afile fut ubefuna ukufela esihlalwen mxxm siyadubeka manje its becoz of him bayasitshisa laa egoli its becoz of him evrything bad eyenzakala kit its becoz of this shit man clled Mugabe kube sokuthwa he died a beater man for wat becoz besesidiniwe ngaye lamanga akhe samkhupha esihlalwen mxxxm mna l hate this man with every bon of ma body ngyamzonda xem vele angeke alibone izulu luSatane mxxm
Thank you for e song
Anga ayine hutsinye pharaoh, asi haaa ndichagara ndichi mufunga, zvaayi gara achi taura kuti varungu vanehutsinye ayi revesa, aaaa varungu vando shandira ndana Satan chaivo, amai, baba, nemwana, zvese, imbwa inotengerwa beaf, ini ndotengerwa ma tinned fish,chicken inodhura unoona ichipiwa imbwa,
Rest in peace Gushungo
Zvakawanda zvamakagona we will forever miss you and you will always be remembered. ..
Thank you for everything you taught us …for you taught us how to fight for what is ours and be independent and also to work hard the list is just too long
Go well ntate Mugabe
A true legend
Avaizo gona zvese ayisava Mwari . thanks R G.M for all the good you did .rest in peace mkuruwe
I love this song.
Ndaimbotiwoo andinabasa nekuti vafa asi i recognise that we human cannot judge what he has done but it cannot stop us to thank him for what he did for the country, rest in peace Gushongo.
rip gushungo.
I love you Rober Mugabe and RIP father Zimbawe we miss you
Tiri kuzviona kuti muri kuitsvaga Mari neDemo chokwadi
RIP My President
r.i.p gushungo
Rest in Peace comrade Mugabe
Mugabe make the zimbabwe great
Wooow gud
Mugabe is dead ???? ? ?????????