Hakete Official Music Video
From Inzwai Kuchemawo Mambo Album by Killer T stream Album here: https://smarturl.it/getINZWAIKUCHEMAMAMB
Hope Dzehumambo Singles
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#InzwaiKuchemaMambo #KillerT
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►SummerTime: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GA-3v…
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© Hot Property, distributed exclusively by Jungle Entertainment Ventures
Great video my man
???❤️❤️?????? moto ndokut chairman
Wooow you nailed it Chairman mune mamoves
My favourite artist in the world
Good video but why musina kuisa acting semavidz ekare ndokuty anyatsonaka
Chairman you're dancing ?kkkk Haakete munhu wachoo chitondibatsirao kumuudza?
Chairman all the way!!
Vamwe vachiti chair bata ngoma kwatabvakure zvinhu zvakaoma…
Great moves there ?
Hakete shuwa kkk
Matipedzera nema dance moves chairman. First time watching you dancing ???
Hupfuuuuu unotambawo kudayiiiiiiii
Good seeing him add choreography to his work.
I love this ? ❤ ?
Woow nc wani yu a da best my Guy?
Woow nc wani yu a da best my Guy?
woow mdara munogona kutamba kudai
Chairman kuvanhu????nice dance moves apo
Love you too much ❤️❤️❤️
?❤️?Chairman Caan dance?????
?❤️?Chairman Caan dance?????
Chairman vanotamba kudaroooo
Yhooooo ?
i am from Ukrain, but this jam is a bomb!!
Ko Mukuru munotorova mamoves zvekudaro nhai❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
iwewe unogona kaiwewe
I'm here for Chairman and the girl who did the split she is a whole mood ? ?
I love killer t since day 1
killer t kutanga kukuona uchitamba ❤
Ndiri kuda wekutambanaye pano guy ???fire
? super killr t
I love the dress cot
Chairman vakurova tuma dance kkkkk,who was the choreographer?
Aaaahh aaah this time chairman makazotamba vhayakadhumba amazing ???
?????? munogona kutamba wena
I'm speechless, this is the Bomb Chairman, l love your dancing moves ??, this is a top notch song
Living legend???love the art
Great since day one
complete dancers
Dzidzirai kutamba mdara??
Hoyooo pamadance apo its my first tym to c killer t dancing u killing it bruh
Killer T ????
Didn't know killer t can dance kkkkkkkk
I'm not a fan ?