Song Composed by: Mukudzeyi Mukombe
Song Produced by: Lizer Classic
Video Directed by: Director Kenny
Location: Zanzibar
Video Script by: Mukudzeyi Mukombe/Director Kenny/Farai Chapoterera
Special Mentions:
1. Washington Ushamba (Mr)
2. JP Management Team
#Love #Jah Prayzah
Albania listening here ????
jah ningekuwa msani ningefanya song with him nakukubali sana https://youtu.be/rXsCDtW6s3w
Ndikuda humhandara video
KaDance kana ndifungisa mwana wako ???
This is Zimbabwe's finest artist. Dembo, Zhakata, Tuku and others set the bar, now its been raised.
This song is underrated, nice song arrangement…. everything is just so good
https://youtu.be/xKdwGze1XnE wadiwa wepamoyo season 2 episode 3
My fav.
Simply the best
Chela takarasima ??????
he is the GOAT
All I wanna know, is the name of the exquisite lady In the video?, I'm star struck, are we not gonna talk about her? Btw I love the song, Jah p's visuals are always on point?I'm hooked
This song sounds to me as if it was produced this year 2021 what beautiful song and beautiful beat ????????
Beautiful video
This guy always makes me dream about being in Zimbabwe just for him
Pure talent
Proud to be Zimbabwean. Jah this pure talent . Much love from me
Iyi ndiyo attempted murder chaiyo?….. I keep watching this video everyday ❤️❤️❤️❤️Jp
Well done JP .. keep singing with that language its more more sweeter ?? well done man
This song is beautiful. Lyrics on point. Beat hauzoda. Chakanyanya chikomana ichi?
It's jst the deep voice for me!!, #Jah all the way!!!!#
Orgulho de África esse Jovem está noutro nível qualidade do vídeo incrível, a voz no ponto parabens.
Talente my G dope
Nah prayzah your voice is something I adore
First like from me to Jahprayza ??
Way too nice ??
The best of the all.. We are proud of you bro keep on representing our country. #Team Jp
Swera Neni
Give Me Some More
You really need to Collaborate with Davido, Burner Boy and Diamond you are really talented ❤️
what does this song really mean, ndibetsereiwo, whats takarasima
English translation please.. anyone?
The way he was dragging that "TESE" part is very catchy
I love this song ??⚡⚡
Please memebers help me with the word takarasima i sing the song but the meaning of the song i dnt get it please
Can't get enough of the song ? ❤
As much as ??music has good sounds, it's good to have translations too. ?
One of my best songs on this album
Zvinoshorwa nemuroyii chete izvii ??????
This is my favorite…. U are a star #JP
Great tune! Respect
conheço desta forma o Jovem incansavel sempre com seu talento no nivel mais alto ….I love u Guy …from MOZ