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As thousands gather at Sakubva Stadium, President Mnangagwa is reportedly not happy to see a crowd 10 times more than his.
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Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 454 sentadillas son unos YOURGIRLS.Uno muchas y un buen ejercicio. Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados ?? Saludos desde la Cd.. de world ??? los mortalesn abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer.k
I think Tsenengamu's idea of " *ACTING NOW*" to solve people's problems " *INSTEAD OF RESTRICTING FOCUS ON 2023 ELECTIONS*". For example in reaction to the recent diabolic murder of Nyati in SOUTH AFRICA he talks about:
1. Demonstration(s) at the South African Embassy.
2. Nationalising ZimPlast – owned by SA – to create employment.
3. To stop Chinese exploiting our natiral resources.
4. To stop Chinese from denigrating our *CULTURE*.
5. To make Zanu talk to ANC.
6. To spend more time on laws that improve peoples' life rather than those that oppress people and protect one person.
7. To provide funds for repatriated Zimbabweans.
8. To provide land for interested re-patriates.
9. To create employment for repatriated.
10. " TO SELF-DEFEND AGAINST POLITICAL PARTY VIOLENCE " on an eye for an eye, or or long sleave for long sleave instead of the biblical *turning-the-other-cheeck**" !!!!!
Etc. Etc