நல்ல பாம்பு வீட்டில் எப்படி பதுங்கி இருக்கிறது என்று பாருங்கள் இரவில் கவனமாக இருங்கள்

I am saga Devan,
a two-wheeler mechanic, born and brought up at deep village in Madurai district, Tamilnadu, India. In the village we do farming, we face lots of snakes, our village life helps us to understand and importance of nature.

when I see the other people live next to us even they know the importance of nature and creatures they scare snakes and kill them because lack of understanding about snakes. then I decided to make awareness to the people through my channel and help our community to understand the snakes and the importance of snakes then I provide my mobile phone number to my nearest community to rescue the snakes.

after I rescue the snakes hand them over to the forest department.

Most impotantly create awareness and importance of snakes and how to protect their lives from snakes.

we are not charge anything from the people for rescue snakes & educate about snakes, reptile and animals. we are not only rescuing snakes any kind of wild animals and creatures.
With Lots Of Love
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#SnakeSaga #SnakeRescue #WildAnimalRescue
