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Instrumental by Jusa Demantor
Recorded,mixed and mastered by Oskid
Copyright 2019 Vigilance Music
ichichi chibaba
Haha this is art ??
Mudhara wemangoma andinoda
Zimdancehall without winky d is like physics without Isaac
Taura ndokupei????
Ndadzoka zvakare kuzoisa LIKE ha ha une mapunchline Gafa
We need another one like this Gafa????
Ndoda kukutora
Ndokuintroducer kumacousins
Vanombokubvunza kumafamily functions
Hanzi, "aripi muroora? Huya naye timbomuona"
Ndoda kumbokuratidza vedzinza rangu
Ukafara mufamily ndokupinza hangu
Ivo vakakufarira hapana chikumirira
Tobva tangobatanidzwa wangu
Ndichakutora toenda tese kuArea 51
Ndokuratidza hama dzese 'coz baby handisi one
Zviriko zvimwe zvimaextra
Kune vaimbi nemaactor
Mascientists nemadoctor
Nevakagadzira Tesla
Ndopatinosanga paukama
Ndoda kuenda newe kumbira mhamha
Ndopatinosangana maextraterrestrial
Usazovhunduka dzikama
Hakumbodi mota kana ndege kusvika ikoko we teleport
Nesplit second tinenge tava paspot
Imi majaira transport
Ndobva ndakuratidza zitateguru Einstein
Retheory yerelativity
Isaac Newton akatiudza zvegravity
Panzvimbo anenge ari tii
Saka kuti tiende urikudei
Taura ndokupei
Usazoti zuva rinobuda unotisekesa naGalileo Galilei
Ndichakutora toenda tese kuArea 51
Ndokuratidza hama dzese 'coz baby handisi one
Zviriko zvimwe zvimaextra
Kune vaimbi nemaactor
Mascientists nemadoctor
Nevakagadzira Tesla
Saka ndopamuzinda pemaextraterrestrial
Ndakamboinviter vamwe kuZimbabwe vakanomhara kuarea (hooo nhai)
Kuti tirasise vazhinji tichanyepa kuti kune show
Chisara uchipacker
Kuma time time tonopinda muchiUFO
Tinenge tava good to go
Usakwate ndoda kukukeeper kunge secret
Ndobva ndakumbundira
Andimbokusiya uchidonha fanike comet
Ndichakuintroducer kune vanhu varismart seiPhone
Ana Neil deGrasse Tyson
Mushakabvu Stephen Hawking
Ndiwo madhara tingori maoffsprings
Zvichaita kunge matricks
Saka ndinokumbira umbotanga waona Matrix
Kana zvaakuitika
Usavhunduke dzikama please
Ndichakutora toenda tese kuArea 51
ndo smart iyi
this song didn't get the appreciation and attention it truly deserved. ma lyrics ari on point hawo.
Zimdancel father
Cimas performance brought me here
Extraterrestrials ?
ATLiens but in my language
If u want to pass kuchikoro usina kudzidza…terera ma songs aGAFA especially this song. A+ unomuwana chete
na Jusa Dementor!!!!
Gombwe we waiting for Extraterrestrial part 3. English
This song is evil umm very evil you will see that this guy is used by the devil if you listen to his music
At least 2 A'Level passes then you are good to go to Listen to the Gaffa
At least 2 A'Level passes then you are good to go to Listen to the Gaffa
2020 december and 2021 tikupinda nacho… if u agree
most underrated track of our time.
Illuminati themes in this song…. wakaromba here iwe Winky D?
Aliens ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
Song iyi inongoda wakapfurawo neForm 6
Haaaa apa Gaffa makapedza maSports this song is on repeat. Deeper meaning and message keep it up
Creativity at its best!!
Sometimes I sing winky d’s songs to get answers in an examination?
2022 We are still here listening to this finest tune.
Who is here in 2021 this song is still ? hot
2022 tiripo hedu
Please Bruv We need a video of this song Please VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO VIDEO
Gaffa is the best we ever had..the song is so rich lyrically
2021 we are still listening to this extraordinary creativity