Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) parliamentarians who had been ordered not to get into parliament for wearing yellow ties have bulldozed their way in.
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Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) parliamentarians who had been ordered not to get into parliament for wearing yellow ties have bulldozed their way in.
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Havafanire kuibhana vane ryte…zanu ngaipfekewo yayo girini etc.
Mbavha dzeZANU dzagumirwa yellow yatonga
what is this country coming to???
Nyika ingabudirira netype yevanhu vakadai
Be brave maCCC,don't allow them to bully you
Zvimwe zvinotonyadzisa
Voted by people to go and stand for the people
Pamberi neyellow yavhundutsa ZANU pf must gooooo mirirai 2023
Ngena phakathi wena phakathi I bhoso yibhoso!!!!
Too rash to be real
Zanu PF vakupererwawo apa manje ???????
What is this veduwe? Guys no yellow is just a colour y r u like this hey
I hear even teachers were forbidden to put on yellow during duty .hey this is too much
Zanu-PF is clueless, senseless and foolish
Those who died during liberation struggle, died in vain. Zanu pf has destroyed our country. How a clueless illegitimate drunkard is a president, remains a mystery in a country which claims to be highly literate.
?? yaaaa kuparamende kunonakidza
Ignorance has no difference color kuti seinoruma shame
Kuda kutonga vanhu kunge ndivo vakasika vanhu
Ah Zanu pf yapererwa manje
Gore rino vanotengesa ma banana vari pay Maine chaiwo
Zanupf inomboziva here kuti irikutamba nhodo nehupenyu hwevanhu vemuZimbabwe?? Do they know that & are they aware of that?? Becoz nothing last forever except God, who is the Alpha & Omega!!!
Yellow hoye
why bully others nhaimi?
ko avarambidza kupfekawo zi green ravo riya ndiani
Zanu has misruled Zimbabwe ?? to the ground really yellow colour is now banned in the parliament ????????
Yellow yavavhiringidza misoro mazi zanu aya
Kkkkkkkk ndahoseka zvangu
Kkkkkk kupinda by ginyaah kkkkk
?? Avana kukwana iyo vrambidzwa nni kupfeka zvavanoda mtuzvi avoo
Yellow yellow yellow Zimbabwe yellow yellow yellow Zimbabwe the regime is panicking ,God is in it
Zimbabweans must learn to have order especially when you're respresenting others you need to be professional when people choose to be their leader you should act like leaders
Nyuchi dzinoruma??☝☝
The whole world is watching ?
?????? inga building yacho inenge YELLOW wani????????
Vanhu veZanu pf matuzvi chaiwo. So colours like Red. Yellow. Black. Red haachatodiwaka muPalamend cause any Political party colour yaakusungisa
Ma1 ?
They very much aware that people are tired zanu pf must go
Smith was way much better than this Mnangagwa regim